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Push Overview

Push Lines are based on Observers (which are a sub-type of Coroutines):

interface Observer<T> {    next(value : T): void;    return?(): void;    throw?(error): void;}

Push is used less often than Pull and has an independent implementation. Push Lines are not re-usable and you must close the observer when you're done with it by calling its .return() method. Closing the observer also signals end-of-sequence (many operations wait till they gather all items, until they could continue). The .throw() method allows to cancel execution at any time.

To use Push Lines you need to import from @undercut/push entry point.

Terms in releation to Push Lines:

  • observer -- an object implementing the Observer protocol.
  • operation -- a function taking an observer accepting result items and returning an observer accepting source items.
  • pipeline -- an ordered sequence (array) of operations.
  • source -- there is no real source in Push Lines, because someone need to manually put items into the observer, but several push functions can help you to process iterables with Push Lines.
  • target -- an observer that will receive the result.
type PushOperation = <T, R>(observer: Observer<T>) => Observer<R>;
type PullPipeline = Array<PushOperation>;
type PushTarget = Observer<T>;