Pull Targets
Pull targets are functions taking iterables and returning some values.
toArraytoArray() => PullTarget
Returns a function that pulls an iterable into an array.
toConsumertoConsumer(consumer) => PullTarget
Returns a function that pulls an iterable an passes items one-by-one into the consumer
toMaptoMap() => PullTarget
Returns a function that pulls an iterable into a Map. So, items must be [key, value]
toNulltoNull() => PullTarget
Returns a function that pulls an iterable and does nothing with the items.
toObjecttoObject() => PullTarget
Returns a function that pulls an iterable into an object. So, items must be [key, value]
and keys will be stringified.
toObservertoObserver(observer) => PullTarget
Returns a function that pulls and pushed item one-by-one into the specified observer.
toSettoSet() => PullTarget
Returns a function that pulls an iterable into a Set.
toValuetoValue() => PullTarget
Returns a function that pulls the first item of the iterable and returns it or undefined