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CLI Examples

Pipe data through like you usually do in a shell#

$ cat strings.txt | undercut 'map(s => s.trim())' 'filter(s => s.length > 10)'Hello world!A very long string...

Use an Iterable as a source instead of stdin:

$ undercut -p -s 'pull.range(0, 5)' 'map(Math.sqrt)' 'sum()'6.146264369941973

Import an installed npm package and use it#

$ undercut -i 'pad::left-pad' -p -s 'range(0, 3)' 'map(x => pad(x, 3))'000001002

You can import more than one package/module.

Enter text data from keyboard by skipping a source#

Results will be printed to stdout after you signal the end of input with Ctrl + D:

$ undercut 'map(s => s.toUpperCase())'TomSam# Ctrl + D to finish the input.TOMSAM